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Trauma Perspective Series(6 Course Series)

70 percent of people have a trauma in childhood. Can you offer them the best care?

Engage with our collection of courses to learn the best evidence for building resilience!

  • Have you ever felt lost when trying to support someone who has experienced trauma?
  • Do you struggle to know which skills work best in building resilience?
  • Are you struggling to navigate all the information out there about “trauma informed care”?

You are not alone! My name is Dr. Allison Jackson-Dyer, and for over 25 years I have been working with clients from all over the United States to find the best approaches to addressing trauma and building resilience. My PhD and clinical practice has focused on studying the evidence and finding the best ways to teach people about trauma and how to heal from trauma. My goal has always been to create an engaging and evidence-informed series of classes that help busy people (like you) truly understand what trauma is, where it comes from, what it does to the body and mind and most importantly - interventions that actively support people in rebuilding their lives after trauma.

The Trauma Perspective Series … where you will receive 22.5 hours of in-depth training covering foundational therapeutic skills critical to all client work, especially those clients with histories of violated safety and security. The program will help you learn and integrate evidence-informed trauma and resilience treatment skills into your everyday practices.

Through engaging video lectures, handouts and discussion of knowledge application I can help you break down complex material to improve your work in human service and educational fields.

You will learn:

  • Transdiagnostic skills (e.g., managing therapeutic alliance and rupture, building motivation, clarifying expectations of treatment, and engaging in collaborative planning)
  • Knowledge skills [e.g., childhood trauma (ACEs and other types of trauma), impacts on individual attachment style, building next-generation health via community resilience and system change work]
  • Brain science (e.g., trauma outcomes on the brain)
  • Identification and assessment skills
  • Gold-standard treatment (e.g., phase-oriented care)
  • Impacts of trauma and resilience work on you as a professional (vicarious trauma)

The Trauma Perspective Series is a Trademark of The Resilience Effect TM and 25 plus years of work and study by Dr. Allison Jackson-Dyer, LCSW.

It is exclusively offered through this platform and by Dr. Jackson-Dyer.

The course series teaches you how to use trauma specific evidence informed techniques to improve outcomes in your work with persons who have experienced complex forms of trauma.

Benefits of the Trauma Perspective Course Series:

  • Learn thousands of pages of evidence informed practice in less than 25 hours
  • Empower your clients with knowledge and interventions that build their resilience
  • Feel confident in your application of a trauma treatment structure
  • Be able to translate complicated science into a 5–7-minute education session with clients
  • Use skills that have helped thousands of clients reclaim their day to day lives and feel safety in their own bodies again
  • Know that each hour of the training you will have multiple take home skills
  • Demonstrate tangibly your investment to your practice and your professionalism through this certificate series
  • Clinicians, Peer Recovery Specialists, Case Managers, Human Service Professionals, Educators, Criminal Justice Professionals, HealthCare Professionals, and others have found this course very applicable to their work with clients

What this Course Series Isn’t:

The Trauma Perspective Series ISN’T

  • A Bachelor and Master Programs in Counseling, Social Work, or Psychology
  • A Treatment Program for persons with Trauma
  • A Replacement for being in Therapy for Lives Experiences with Trauma
  • For anyone wanting to take a 1–3-hour overview course in trauma and resilience
  • A Course Series you want to “take quickly” (like in 3 days or less)

Please note that the content of the course is about trauma in childhood and many people need to take breaks throughout the course given the nature of understanding trauma and learning the facts about how common trauma is for persons in the United States as well as other countries.  Course participants all report the value of course content as well as it having an impact on them as a person and professional.


Bundle  Curriculum

Course 1 Description

The Resilience Effect TM : Common Factors and Collaborative Planning 

It has become widely accepted that certain trans-diagnostic common factors exist in the therapeutic process. These common factors relate to the impact of client and clinician characteristics, relationship factors, motivation, clarity of expectations of treatment, and other ingredients of
the therapeutic process common to any psychotherapy, regardless of treatment modality or model. Successful treatment models embrace these factors and incorporate them as part of their foundation. 

Course 2 Description

The Resilience Effect TM : An Overview of Trauma and Resilience 

Seventy percent of U.S. adults have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lives—often before age 18. The results can be disrupted brain development, adoption of at-risk health behaviors, and increased risk for disease, disability, social problems, and physical and mental illness. This course provides an overview of the childhood trauma studies and how this knowledge translates into our daily lives. 

Course 3 Description

The Resilience Effect TM : Emotional Trauma’s Impact on the Brain
and Behavior 

In this course an overview of basic brain functioning and anatomy will be provided. Ways to explain brain functioning to clients and their support system will be demonstrated and actively practiced in
class. The class will then turn specifically to the impact chronic trauma has on implicit memory, affect regulation and overall self-
regulation as well as ability to engage in co-regulation through relationships and bonding experiences. In closing, some biologically based interventions will be discussed that can be incorporated into
personal and professional practice . 

Course 4 Description

The Resilience Effect TM : Emotional Agility Building and Engaging
in Trauma Informed Phase Oriented Treatment with Clients 

This course is the heart of the series. Here we explore how we build resilience every day with action. The course focuses on three main areas of need that are core needs for persons who have experienced
trauma: Self Regulation Skills, Positive Self-Identity Skills, and Co-Regulation Skills. Multiple interventions and approaches for building these skills or enhancing these core skills are provided with a full downloadable workbook for further learning and practice. 

Course 5 Description

The Resilience Effect TM : Impact of Vicarious Trauma 

Many of us come with our traumatic lived experiences to this work,
perhaps it is why we came to this work … to make a difference. All of us will experience toxic levels of stress as a result of choosing this work, placing us at great risk for job burnout, physical health
conditions, mental health conditions and challenges in our personal relationships. Unaddressed, this toxic stress can lead to many of us spending more time training in our profession than actually being in our profession.  This course teaches concrete ways to manage our minds and bodies so that we can be optimal in our work and in our own lives. 

Course 6 Description

The Resilience Effect TM : Trauma and Resilience in the Community
(Next Generation Health)

While the majority of this series focuses on individual resilience building, this course looks at the impact and opportunities we have to enhance entire communities' wellbeing and health. Together we
look at the negative impacts of trauma on community well being and how it spreads through generations when not addressed. Then we explore some model communities who have taken on trauma and resilience at the system level and have created some astounding changes in the health of their community and the next generation of
children growing up in those communities.